Migrace Germánů mezi Labem a Dunajem a význam česko-moravského pomezí v protohistorickém vývoji

Migration of the Germans between the Elbe and Danube Rivers, and the importance of Bohemia-Moravian borderland in proto-historic development

Czech Science Foundation (2009-2011)
Applicant: Eduard Droberjar (University of Hradec Králové)
Joint applicant: David Vích (Regional Museum of Vysoké Mýto)

The main goals of the proposed project:

1) To define the directions of the migration of Germanic tribes of the Elbe River Basin (the Suebi and their successors) and to interpret the relations between Bohemia and Moravia as a link between the Elbe and Danube River Basins.

2) To define the role of Bohemian-Moravian borderland as a corridor between eastern Bohemia and central and southern Moravia in the Roman Period and the Migration Period.

3) Rescue and documentation of valuable archaeological artefacts from the area that so far hasn’t been affected by a huge number of ‘illegal uses of detector’ (as a prevention of possible destruction of the heritage of the earliest European tribes and peoples – the Celts, Romans, Germans, Slavs). The chosen area of detailed archaeological research has been so far almost unknown and unexplored region with exceptionally perspective prospects of a proto-historic research. The important objective of the project is to open a new and so far not analyzed theme which has the importance for the whole prehistory and proto-history. The research of the contact zone enables us to solve the problems of communication corridors as trade routes and directions of the migration of tribes and groups.